The Hand of the King


貨品編號: 04231
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The "Hand of the King" is the most powerful ‘appointed’ position in the Seven Kingdoms. He is the King's closest advisor: the highest-ranking member of the Small Council. The Hand is often the real power behind the throne. When the ‘Hand’ is left to clean up the political mess caused by inept rulers, it is said that "The King shits, and the Hand wipes". The ‘Hand’ of the King is formally addressed as ‘Lord Hand’ and resides in the Tower of the Hand at the Red Keep. Edit Card 181 words The "Hand of the King" is the most powerful appointed position in the Seven Kingdoms, second only to the King. The "Hand" is the King's closest advisor, authorized to make decisions in the King's name. He is the highest-ranking member of the Small Council, and leads meetings of the council as proxy when the monarch is absent. During the reign of strong and able kings, the Hand is the chief agent for coordinating and carrying out the king's plans. During the reign of weak or ineffectual kings, the Hand is often the real power behind the throne, and the man chiefly responsible for holding the realm together. The Hand is supposed to fulfill plans made by the king, but during the reign of weak kings when the Hand is left to clean up the political mess caused by inept rulers, a common saying is that "The King shits, and the Hand wipes". The Hand of the King is formally addressed as Lord Hand and resides in the Tower of the Hand at the Red Keep along with his family and household.


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尺寸: 5cm
價格: $380 HKD
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