Pam's Vintage Tarot 2nd Limited Edition


貨品編號: 07872
Pam's Vintage Tarot is a restored edition of one of the oldest Tarot decks, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. It is presented to you as result of my latest commission work thanks to courtesy of Tarot deck collector from Australia who provided high resolution scans of the deck from her private collection. (Note: this is not the same deck as US Games or any other copyright RWS Tarot but much older first edition!) and requested for specific modification to be made according to her personal preferences with goal of creating more genuine ageless design that can’t be linked for specific geographic place, ethnicity, or time.

- Original hi-res card scans (front & back) are merged with aged paper texture for vintage effect.
- All text & borders are removed from all cards front and back as well as roman numbers from minors, therefore leaving only major arcana numbered in romans (for more ornamental purpose due to small size!)
- Cards are printed Bridge size as we find it most fitting proportion-wise
- 78 tarot cards, + 1 title card + extra 11 art cards featuring artwork from lesser known illustrations from Pamela Colman Smith's earlier works, 90 cards total!

Changes from 1st limited edition:
- Plain vintage effect background (no ornamented corners for bridge size cards this time!:)
- Improved card front design (resized to better fit printing safety lines & less chance for elements like signature to be cut in printing process!:)
- Card back design/effect is slightly changed
- 11 new art cards & 1 title card!
- The deck is now packed in Original Design poker tuckbox

容量/重量/尺寸: 6 x 9 cm
價格: $- nil - HKD
VIP會員價格: $- nil - HKD
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