Avalon Magick Jar Candle small

[本產品有 4 位會員收藏]

Magickal Candle are made with soy wax, magickal oils and a special blend of dried herbs. Can be used in rituals and spell work, or simply light it and make your wishes.

價格: $350 HKD
VIP會員價格: $315 HKD
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產品 介紹
Come To Me
[本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 8-24 星期到貨]

產品編號: 07231

[本產品有 3 位會員收藏]
To attract a lover of the opposite sex, attracting love and passion into your life.
While many times people use this to attract people they know, do not put it passed this candle to bring someone to you who you do not know or were not expecting.
[本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 8-24 星期到貨]

產品編號: 06105
Used for strengthen the existing relationship with commitment, to keep your partner loyal, to encourage your partner to settle down(faithful to you), also encourage communication and harmony.
Key To Success
[本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 8-24 星期到貨]

產品編號: 05949

[本產品有 4 位會員收藏]
Used to bring success and help you to achieve your goals. Also helps remove obstacles and clears a path for you to accomplish your goals.
Marriage Mind
產品編號: 09331
Have you been waiting for a marriage proposal? If so, try this.. Use this for: Getting a commitment from your relationship, Engagement, Marriage, attract a partner who wants Marriage, help with getting marriage proposals and binding love.
Money Drawing
產品編號: 07574

[本產品有 1 位會員收藏]
To help increase the money energy in your life. Use it for drawing money, attract prosperity and increase cash flow.
[本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 8-24 星期到貨]

產品編號: 06108

[本產品有 5 位會員收藏]
handmade with soywax , herbs, magickal oil and rosequartz.

Used for reconciling or reuniting with a special one that you may have lost or almost lost a time. To help with relationships that have been growing apart or for relationships that have been troubled by conflict and arguments. Help with forgiveness , harmony and love .
Sweet Love
產品編號: 05947

[本產品有 5 位會員收藏]
Used to draw a sweet and romantic love, bringing a new partner into your life.
Think Of Me
[本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 8-24 星期到貨]

產品編號: 05948

[本產品有 2 位會員收藏]
This is a love candle that you can use to have that special someone thinking of you constantly, or to not forget you.

用家評論共有 1 個用家評語

由 w02697 於 2024-01-01 11:29 發表:

我購買了 "Key To Success" : 過去半年係十分之忙碌既一年,因為要番全職之餘,夜晚仲要到大學上課,星一至五係朝9晚11,星期六好少少淨係朝早上堂。除此之外,公司亦都有升職培訓(仲要考試同做功課⋯),所以我覺得自己無可能記得咁多野,做到咁多野,甚至可能要犧牲一兩科考試。正值苦惱同擔憂之際,感謝Germen 話我知呢款有少量現貨,我毫不猶豫就買下了,當時真係好忙,晚晚都唔敢訓,精神狀態好差,可能係因為堅持有點蠟燭啦,一路許願,一路安慰自己堅持住,最後大學考試取得意想不到的好成績,我本來就諗住合格就算,無預計到有好幾科係全班最高分。


