The Venus Morningstar Tarot

作者 : Natacha Fromm
出版社/廠商 : Aphrodite Studios 333


貨品編號: 12107
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 2-4 星期到貨。

Venus, warmth, and the dawn: The Venus Morningstar Tarot is a curated fine art deck consisting of 78 cards that highlight the dynamic and mystical aspects of Venus as a Morning Star and Lightbringer. This deck features depictions of various deities associated with the lightbringer, Venus, and the sun.

Hence, the essence of this deck leans more towards being "wise" and daring, contrasting with our renowned romantic Tarot of Aphrodite and Musings of Aphrodite.

Even though each card is unique due to the curated fine art, it still has a cohesive character. Each image has been edited and enhanced to give it a user-friendly experience.

The Major Arcana focuses on the theme of the Lightbringer. We can see images of Prometheus (The Emperor), Eos (The Dawn), Apollo (The Chariot), Aurora (Temperance and Judgement), and of course Venus (The Star).

In Greek mythology, Venus as the Morning Star was embodied by Eosphorus (or Phosphorus), meaning "bringer of dawn." Eosphorus signaled the arrival of a new day. Similarly, the Romans personified Venus as Lucifer, which translates to "light-bringer" or "morning star" (for instance, "luz" in Spanish means light). Though not considered a deity, Lucifer served as a poetic representation of the planet Venus. In astrology, Venus as the Morning Star represents new beginnings, hope, and enlightenment. It is regarded as a harbinger of a new day, bringing light and warmth after the darkness of night.

Therefore, these cards have been renamed:

The Fool is named The Dawn
The High Priestess is named The Priestess
The Hierophant is named The Ancient
The Wheel of Fortune is named Fate
The Hanged Man is named Stillness
The Tower is named Fallen

The Wands suit includes depictions of the sun god Apollo and Eosphoros (featured in the Six of Wands, Eight of Wands, Page of Wands, and Knight of Wands). Additionally, Venus and her son Amor are illustrated in the Two of Wands, Nine of Wands, and Queen of Wands.

The Cup suit captures the dreamy and ethereal essence of water while maintaining the overarching theme of the deck. The Two of Cups showcases the imagery of the Evening and Morning Star. Cards such as the Seven of Cups, Eight of Cups, and Page of Cups feature depictions of Auroras and Stars. Meanwhile, the Six of Cups, Ten of Cups, and Queen of Cups highlight images of the goddesses Venus and Astarte.

The Sword suit is more direct and even somewhat "brutal" in its imagery, particularly evident in the Five of Swords. The standout card of this suit is the Knight of Swords, featuring the depiction of the fallen angel, driven by a desire for revenge.

Like the other suits, the Coin suit remains grounded in its element while incorporating imagery that aligns with the Morning Star and light themes. The Three of Coins features the Fates working on the stars, adorned in green. The Two of Coins presents an elegant scene with two celestial beings playing with stars. The Nine of Coins showcases Aurora smelling a flower, and the Ten of Coins depicts celestial beings dancing around the sun with a golden ball.

- 350 gsm High-Quality Art Paper
- 70 x 120 mm Tarot size
- Matte UV Finish to protect the cards
- Flip Left Cover Box
- Guidebook / Art Booklet
featuring the name and work of the artist's image being used, an affirmation, and keywords. No additional written meanings. Colored cover and back, black and white inside pages.

The Venus Morningstar Tarot is inspired by the Rider Waite Smith deck but adds its own unique twist. For some cards, I intentionally made non-traditional choices to capture a warm and inviting vibe. Nevertheless, you'll find that all the archetypes are faithfully represented.

On Diversity
Since this deck features curated art, it was challenging to find a representation of specific ethnic groups. As someone who is half Latin with a part of my family being dark-skinned, I am acutely aware that people of color are rarely depicted in old art, and when they are, it is often in a negative context.

The concept of the Lightbringer is closely intertwined with Venus's dual nature as both the Morning and Evening Star. As the Morning Star, Venus is often associated with new beginnings, the heralding of dawn, and the promise of a new day. This aspect is seen as hopeful and positive, representing enlightenment, guidance, and the dispelling of darkness.

Auroras, or the Northern and Southern Lights, also connect to the theme of light and renewal. The ethereal beauty of auroras has inspired awe and wonder, often being associated with divine or otherworldly presence. In many cultures, auroras are seen as manifestations of celestial spirits or gods, adding a mystical layer to the concept of the Lightbringer.

The darker aspect of the Lightbringer can be seen in the myth of the fallen angel. In this context, the Lightbringer symbolizes a being who once brought light and enlightenment but fell from grace, representing themes of pride, rebellion, and the complex nature of light and darkness. This duality reflects the multifaceted nature of Venus and the broader theme of light as both a guiding and a challenging force.

Together, Venus, Auroras, and the Lightbringer weave a rich tapestry of myth and symbolism, embodying the intricate dance between light and darkness, hope and despair, and renewal and downfall.

產品出版地: 德國
容量/重量/尺寸: 78 cards, 70 x 120mm
價格: $480 HKD
VIP會員價格: $432 HKD
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