塔羅牌 > 塔羅牌
Tarot Grand Luxe
繪師 : Ciro Marchetti出版社/廠商 : U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
[本產品有 1 位會員收藏]
Popular digital artist Ciro Marchetti has crafted the evocative Tarot Grand Luxe out of his own creative imaginings. Based primarily on the Rider-Waite-Smith™ tarot system, the lavish details in Tarot Grand Luxe also incorporate references to the Tarot de Marseilles, as well as other historic symbols and archetypes. In the 56-page illustrated booklet, Ciro briefly describes the ideas and personal perspectives that inspired each card.
產品出版地: 美國
容量/重量/尺寸: 78 cards, 3” x 5”
價格: $280 HKD
VIP會員價格: $252 HKD
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