The Power of Love Activation Cards

Author(s) : James Van Praagh
Publisher : Lifestyles

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Item Number: 09745
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Your goal while inhabiting human form is to manifest love in this physical dimension. Yet, like many a courageous soul who has chosen to tackle this difficult task, you may need to be reminded to activate this innate force that dwells inside you. This 44-card deck - a labour of love created by internationally renowned medium James Van Praagh - prompts you to remember that love is the reason why you are here. Just pull one card each morning for a focus on that day, or follow the instructions in the companion guidebook and become adept at creating 'Activation Spreads' for yourself, friends or clients. Love knows no limits - it is the power that holds everything together.

Volume/Weight/Size: 64 cards, 10 x 13.67cm
Price: $280 HKD
VIP Member Price: $252 HKD
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