The Modern Guide to Witchcraft : Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells

作者 : Skye Alexander
出版社/廠商 : Adams Media


貨品編號: 07308
本產品需要付全數訂金訂貨,一般需時約 3-4 星期到貨。

Unlock your powers...

Looking for an enchanting love potion? Want to create your own sacred space and promote good energy? The Modern Guide to Witchcraft helps you harness your own inner power so you can shape your destiny.

With the help of spellcraft expert Skye Alexander, you'll tap into your own magic and create incantations, potions, and charms. As she carefully guides you through each step of these witchcraft practices and details ways of personalizing them to your specific situation, you'll gain confidence in your own knowledge and inner force.

Once you learn to harness your natural talents as a witch, you'll discover that a whole new world of possibilities exists.

頁數: 304 pages
價格: $230 HKD
VIP會員價格: $207 HKD
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