The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft: Shadows, Spirits and the Healing Journey

Author(s) : Christopher Penczak
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 03558
Is shamanism all that different from modern witchcraft? According to Christopher Penczak, Wiccas roots go back 20,000 years to the Stone Age shamanic traditions of tribal cultures worldwide. A fascinating exploration of the Crafts shamanic origins, The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft offers year-and-a-day training in shamanic witchcraft. Penczaks third volume of witchcraft teachings corresponds to the water element - guiding the reader into this realm of emotion, reflection, and healing. The twelve formal lessons cover shamanic cosmologies, journeying, dreamwork, animal/plant/stone medicine, totems, soul retrieval, and psychic surgery. Each lesson includes exercises (using modern techniques and materials), assignments, and helpful tips. The training ends with a ritual for self-initiation into the art of the shamanic witch - culminating in an act of healing, rebirth, and transformation.

Country of Origin: USA
Pages: 480 pages
Price: $400 HKD
VIP Member Price: $360 HKD
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