Tarot & Magic

Author(s) : Donald Michael Kraig, Mary K. Greer
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 00770
This book is especially intended for people who already have some experience with the Tarot and magic. However, if you don't have such experience, this chapter will fill you in on the basics of what you need to know. If you have never worked with the Tarot before, or never practiced real magic, start with this chapter. Read it several times. Think about any concepts in this chapter that are new to you. I suggest that you read this chapter even if you already have experience with either the Tarot or magic, or with both. That way you will understand the terms and concepts in the same way they are presented in this book, and you will grasp the information presented later even better. Of course, since you already know some or all of this material, you may not have to study it as thoroughly as someone who has no experience. Whether you are new to either magic or the Tarot or have lengthy experience with both, when you understand and can work with this chapter, you will be ready to use the Tarot for magic!

Country of Origin: USA
Pages: 192 pages
Price: $99999 HKD
VIP Member Price: $99999 HKD
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