Attack On Titan Oracle Cards (進擊的巨人)

Author(s) : Luna Factory
Publisher : Luna Factory

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Item Number: 12233
The hugely popular anime, Attack on Titan, has become a fortune-telling card!
All illustrations are original SD transcriptions.

Attack on Titan, which is popular all over the world, can be used as an oracle card for fortune-telling.

Don't worry if you've never used cards before.

It also comes with an easy-to-understand instruction manual for beginners, so whether you're familiar with fortune-telling or it's your first time, you can enjoy it on the day you buy it.

Why not brighten up your days with a completely new fortune-telling card that has never been seen before?

Country of Origin: Japan
Volume/Weight/Size: 44 cards, 70 x 120mm
Price: $480 HKD
VIP Member Price: $432 HKD
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