The Secret Language Of Darkness Oracle: Soul Light Transmissions From The Shadow

Artist(s) : Daniel B. Holeman ; Author(s) : Denise Jarvie
Publisher : Blue Angel Publishing

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Item Number: 11972
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Unlock the secrets of your inner world with this alluring 45-card oracle and full-color guidebook. Each card holds a sacred message and an opportunity for self-discovery, leading you on a journey of liberation and self-awareness. Through shadow mastery classes and insightful card messages, you'll gain the skills to face and integrate repressed aspects of your personality. Whether used on its own or shuffled with The Secret Language of Light Oracle, this deck shines a light on your deepest shadows, guiding you towards wholeness and healing.

Country of Origin: Australia
Volume/Weight/Size: 45 cards
Price: $350 HKD
VIP Member Price: $315 HKD
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