The Little Book Of Chakras: An Introduction To Ancient Wisdom And Spiritual Healing

Author(s) : Elsie Wild
Publisher : Summersdale

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Item Number: 11926
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A colorful and inviting introduction to an alternative and holistic approach to health and well-being

Chakras are your body's spiritual centers of vibrant, healing energy. This beginner's guide explains the seven major chakras, how to awaken them and how to channel their energy for optimum health and well-being. Exploring the mental and physical aspects of each chakra, the chapters reveal how diet, yoga and meditation can bring balance and harmony to your daily life. To complete this holistic treatment, the sections on crystals and essential oils show further ways of boosting vitality and cleansing mind, body and spirit.

Pages: 128 pages
Price: $180 HKD
VIP Member Price: $162 HKD
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