Jar 7 Day: Gold And Silver

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Item Number: 11867
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The Gold and Silver Candle is a captivating and opulent spiritual candle that embodies the essence of prosperity, wealth, and abundance. Infused with intention, positive energy, and carefully selected elements, this candle symbolizes the allure of precious metals and the potential for material and spiritual riches. Its radiant flame represents the illumination of opportunities, while its energy encourages a mindset of abundance, financial growth, and the appreciation of life's treasures. Whether you seek to enhance your financial prosperity, attract opportunities for success, or simply wish to surround yourself with the energies of opulence, the Gold and Silver Candle's radiance resonates with the energy of affluence, abundance, and the fulfillment of dreams.

Volume/Weight/Size: 2.5" wide and 8.25" tall
Price: $400 HKD
VIP Member Price: $360 HKD
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