Kamini Aromatics Cone Incense

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Incense cones by Kamini Aromatics. Each box contains 10 ready to use incense cones and a metal burner plate. Burner plate should be placed on a heat safe surface for use.

Volume/Weight/Size: 10 cones
Price: $50 HKD
VIP Member Price: $45 HKD
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Item Description
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Item Number: 06825

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An alluring sensual scent to awaken passion and create a romantic atmosphere. Let this warm and seductive scent inspire some love magic in your life.
Black Opium
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Item Number: 06826
An intoxicating, sensual & hypnotize scent.
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A potent purifying scent used for cleansing and inspiring energy and strength.
Dragon's Blood
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Item Number: 06827
An ancient incense used for love, protection and exorcising negative energies. This powerful cleaning fragrance brings balance and clarity wherever used.
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Item Number: 06840

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An aromatic gum resin used as incense since ancient times. One of the gifts of the three wise kings. It is said to have an uplifting, relaxing effect and to aid concentration
Frankincense & Myrrh
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Item Number: 06828

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A combination of two fragrances used since ancient times and known for their relaxing and meditative qualities.
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Item Number: 06829
A beautiful scent said to have relaxing, balancing & aphrodisiac qualities.
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Item Number: 07179

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Lavender from the Latin "lavare" meaning to wash, has been used as a purifying and soothing fragrance since Roman times. Also use as love and attraction.
Money Drawing
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Item Number: 06830

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Enjoy the beautiful fragrance of Money Drawing cones
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Item Number: 06831
Myrrh, a resinous sap from the commiphora myrrha tree has been used for thousands of years as a perfume and incense. It is said to be perfume and incense. It is said to be an emotionally uplifting and rejuvenating scent.
Nag Chanmpa
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Item Number: 06832
This famous scent with its sweet yet earthy fragrance is ideal for creating a relaxing atmosphere & for use while meditation
Night Queen
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Item Number: 06833
Used since ancient times, Night Queen is a passionate, sensual and bewitching scent.
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Item Number: 06839

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A popular fragrance since ancient times. Patchouli is an aphrodisiac. It came back into vogue in the 60's and continues to be very popular. Use for any wishes related to love.
Puff the Magic Dragon
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Item Number: 06834

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It creates a perfect atmosphere for deep meditation, relaxation and contemplation. It helps to focus the mind bring back happy memories. It evokes a feeling of freedom and upliftment
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Item Number: 06835
Sandalwood is know to aid in reducing nervous tension and to have an overall calming, mellowing effect as well as aphrodisiac qualities. Also use as purify and cleansing negative energy.

Reviews 1 Reviews

Birb posted on 2020-04-10 22:34 :

買咗盒 Night Queen
佢個 size 比 HEM 嘅高啲,燒到半個鐘再耐少少
佢比人嘅感覺好精神上 empowering,可以 feel 到有啲好正面嘅能量注入緊自己到
生理上會 feel 到佢逼咗啲負能量出嚟,一開始有少少頭痛,不過 feel 到佢放咗出嚟之後就舒服晒
Overall 嚟講幾合適啲想要正能量嘅朋友 ^w^

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