Tarot Deck > Limited & Indie
The Real-Life Tarot Deck
Author(s) : David Regal, Jake Regal, Sam Regal
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only 1000 decks worldwide
That's The Real-Life Tarot Deck
Never before has a tarot deck included "The Conspiracy Theorist" or "The Vomiting Cupid" Nor has The Devil been depicted as a landlord. Add to these "The Road Trip", "Too Many Cats", "Moving Back In" and 72 more topically fun, loaded tarot cards. You get the idea.
Created by David Regal, Jake Regal, and Sam Regal, The Real-Life Tarot deck is a beautifully produced, elegantly boxed 78-card deck of original art. It can be used for readings, played as a game, or - in the case of a magic effect - as a tool for turning a standard force, prediction, or Ace-cutting demonstration into a routine that's filled with laughs as well as mystery.
The current stock is from the first edition limited individually numbered run.
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 7 x 12cm
Price: $380 HKD
VIP Member Price: $342 HKD
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