Jar 7 Day: Job

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Item Number: 11918
The Job Candle is a focused and empowering spiritual candle designed to attract success, opportunities, and positive outcomes in your professional endeavors. Infused with intention, positive energy, and carefully selected elements, this candle serves as a beacon of illumination on your path to career advancement. Its radiant flame symbolizes the light of knowledge and progress, while its energy carries the essence of determination, confidence, and the mysteries of achieving professional goals. Whether you're seeking a new job, aiming for a promotion, or hoping to excel in your current role, the Job Success Candle's radiance resonates with the energy of achievement, growth, and the support of the universe in your professional journey.

Volume/Weight/Size: 2.5" wide and 8.25" tall
Price: $400 HKD
VIP Member Price: $360 HKD
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