Mystic Palette Tarot Kit

Author(s) : Ciro Marchetti
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 11641
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Paint a Brighter Tomorrow With the Magic of Tarot

Mystical beings unfold the future before your eyes in a breathtaking world of color and light. Renowned tarot artist Ciro Marchetti takes the scenes and symbols of the Rider-Waite-Smith to new heights in this transcendent deck filled with dazzling detail and jewel tones that will draw you in and awaken your intuition. Accessible for readers at every level, the full-color companion book guides you through each card's intricate symbolism. Setting your imagination free, the Mystic Palette Tarot will inspire you and reveal your inner wisdom.

Country of Origin: USA
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 5.63" x 8.25"
Price: $400 HKD
VIP Member Price: $360 HKD
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