Aquarian Tarot Deck & Guidebook

Artist(s) : David Palladini ; Author(s) : Craig Junjulas
Publisher : U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

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This bestselling tarot deck is now presented with the companion book Psychic Tarot, updated with full color illustrations. The book creates a bridge between psychic development, healing work and the esoteric wisdom in the tarot. It delves into tarot symbols, energetic patterns, intuition, chakras and auras. The knowledgeable author blends traditional and modern meanings and also explores numerological and astrological correlations. Includes 78-card deck and 200-page illustrated book.

Country of Origin: USA
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 3.125" x 4.6"
Price: $380 HKD
VIP Member Price: $342 HKD
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