The Spell Jar Compendium: Create Intentional Spell Jars for Manifesting Love, Protection, Prosperity, and More: 77 of the Best Recipes, Plus Secrets ... Spell Jar Maintenance

Author(s) : Vibe with Light
Publisher : Independently published

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Item Number: 11076
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The Spell Jar Compendium is the essential guide for those seeking to explore the ancient art of manifesting with spell jars.

In this comprehensive book, readers will gain valuable insights into the history, traditions, and practices of spell jars in order to develop their expertise in harnessing the magic of spell jars.

The Spell Jar Compendium delves into the principles of magic and harnessing natural forces to invite positive energies into our lives. It provides a clear understanding of how spell jars serve as a time-tested tool for channeling natural energies.
With a wealth of practical advice, The Spell Jar Compendium offers a comprehensive and detailed overview of this traditional magical technique.

The Spell Jar Compendium will teach you:
The history of spell jars and their traditional place in magical traditions.
The ethics and safety of spell jar practices.
Practical advice for collecting, maintaining, and disposing of spell jars.
A wide range of spell jar recipes to bring positive energies into your life.
From entry-level spellcraft to advanced spells for seasoned practitioners, The Spell Jar Compendium offers a wealth of knowledge for readers of all levels.

Throughout this book, readers will also gain a deeper understanding of the nature of spellcasting as an exercise in channeling self-awareness and intentionality.

Readers will learn how to manifest energies such as love, prosperity, success, and good luck in their lives while also cultivating a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.

With a focus on safety, ethics, practical skills, and recipes, The Spell Jar Compendium is the perfect map to transforming your reality for the better!

Pages: 221 pages
Price: $200 HKD
VIP Member Price: $180 HKD
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