The Gita Deck : Wisdom From the Bhagavad Gita

Author(s) : Indira sharma, B.G. Sharma
Publisher : Mandala Publishing

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Item Number: 09739
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The marriage of Bhagavad Gita's profound wisdom and India's premier artists culminates in The Gita Deck: Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita.

Sixty-eight jewel-like verses of spiritual understanding adorn beautiful art cards depicting India's rich spiritual heritage.

Each card showcases a verse from the Gita under headings including Individuality, True Leaders, Winds of Desire, Maintaining Balance, Determination, Eternal Soul, and Fall from Grace.

The cards are a unique and inspirational way to access the timeless teachings of the Gita, in a portable and easily referenced box set.

Volume/Weight/Size: 68 cards, 3.75" x 5.5"
Price: $300 HKD
VIP Member Price: $270 HKD
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