How To Do Psychic Readings Through Touch

Author(s) : Ted Andrews
Publisher : Llewellyn Publications

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Item Number: 09101
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You've probably heard the expression, "If these walls could talk..." With psychic touch, or psychometry, you can learn to read the energy of objects, places, and people.

Popular author Ted Andrews presents a positive and straightforward system for developing your psychic skills. With this guide, learn the basics of psychometry, why it works, and simple techniques for doing your own readings. Using psychic touch, you can tune in to the world around you in a fascinating new way. Discover how to:

Find lost objects and people
Sense health imbalances
Assess places and objects for harmonious or challenging energy
Use psychic skills responsibly and ethically
Enjoy a richer and more informed perspective on life

Country of Origin: USA
Pages: 240 pages
Price: $200 HKD
VIP Member Price: $180 HKD
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