Shadowland Tarot Kit

Author(s) : Monica Bodirsky
Publisher : Red Feather Publishing

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Item Number: 08791
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Shadows are said to be part of unlit corners of a space where creatures lurk and mystery dwells. They may also manifest on a personal or even global level to convey demons, fear, or anxieties. In a broader sense, shadows signify unresolved trauma and bring it to the forefront of our consciousness as aspects of ourselves that we can finally acknowledge—the skeletons, mummies, spiders, bats, crows, and ghosts we hide. This Tarot deck and accompanying guidebook provide you with the vital creative tools you need to access your shadows and reveal hidden truths. Alongside traditional Tarot symbolism and meanings, shadow aspects of our archetypal personalities are portrayed as 78 playful and quirky ink-and-watercolor creature cards that offer insight and guidance into our deepest selves. The book consists of a detailed introduction to shadows and shadow work, card meanings, reflection questions, and easy-to-follow spreads to help you discover, contemplate, and integrate previously unacknowledged aspects of your life and personality. For beginners as well as seasoned readers and shadow workers, discover imaginative solutions to everyday challenges as well as complex or concealed conditions. Is it time for you to stop hiding from your shadows?

Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 6" x 9"
Price: $500 HKD
VIP Member Price: $450 HKD
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