Aah Seh Nai - The Angel Game

Author(s) : Esther Shireiva Happle-Winzeler
Publisher : AGM-Urania Publishing

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Item Number: 06636
This 99-card deck offers comforting and uplifting messages, to set a positive and healing tone for the day.

It also functions as a divination tool, as you can ask a question and find the message that gives you guidance and answers.

This work is designed to help you stay centered in peacefulness throughout the day, and to remember that your angels are always beside you, ready to help you with every area of your life.

The attractive presentation box contains:
98 x Angel Cards (49 male and 49 female)
1 x Aah Seh Nai Powercard
1 x instruction booklet

Country of Origin: Germany
Volume/Weight/Size: 99 cards
Price: $480 HKD
VIP Member Price: $432 HKD
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