Gris-gris Mojo Bag: Money Drawing

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Item Number: 04652
A Gris-Gris (or Mojo Bag) is a talisman or an amulet that protects the wearer and brings luck in a certain area of expertise or energy. It contains a variety or a combination of the following ingredients: herbs, oils, or fragrance, stones, bones, small artifact, piece of mirror or glass, magnet or lodestone, farina etc. depending of the theme.

Traditionally, it has been important to link it to the personal energies of the wearer. You must therefore add on the fabric of the bag: a little smear of sweat, a tear, some saliva, or a drop of urine. In certain community it is recommended that women wear on the left, men on the right side. You can also place it under the pillow during sleep. Once activated, it must never be opened or touched by someone else then the wearer, to avoid weakening the magic.

Made In Canada

Price: $380 HKD
VIP Member Price: $342 HKD
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Reviews 1 Reviews

w04125 posted on 2015-08-31 12:40 :

幾個月前買左個money mojo bag,,效果好好,細細地,方便攜帶

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