The Law of Attraction Tarot

Artist(s) : Simone Gabrielli ; Author(s) : Marina Rovedo
Publisher : Lo Scarabeo

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Item Number: 03375
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According to the law of attraction, anything we want can be manifested—you just need to believe it. Rhonda Byrne's blockbuster The Secret and its recent sequel The Power unveiled this amazing principle to millions of people worldwide. Now there's a new tool for uncovering and fulfiling your deepest wishes and your life purpose—The Law of Attraction Tarot.

This powerful tarot—inspired by the Rider-Waite tradition—is designed to help you put the law of attraction into practice. Discover what it is you want from life—wealth, a dream job, improved health, loving relationships, peace and happiness—and project this message to the Universe. Whatever your desires, The Law of Attraction Tarot can help you bring these dreams to reality.

Country of Origin: Italy
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 66 x 120mm
Price: $330 HKD
VIP Member Price: $297 HKD
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