Positive Energy

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Item Number: 03138
Use to attract positive energy into your life.

Use in combination with Good Health candle to correct nerve or muscular problems.

Burn Time: approx. 40 hours

These are Reiki Charged Magick Pillar Candles. Made in the USA.

Volume/Weight/Size: 7" high, 1 1/2" in dia.
Price: $200 HKD
VIP Member Price: $180 HKD
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Reviews 1 Reviews

w04648 posted on 2019-06-07 15:57 :

因為同男朋友分手既問題,令到成個人都好多負能量,每日都好唔開心,以淚洗面,用左1個星期Positive Energy靈氣蠟燭左右,我個願望係驅走我所有負能量,諗野開心D,正面D,每日都點30分鐘同許願,加上唸讀包裝紙上既SPELL,依家個人情緒無咁悲觀,同埋諗野無再咁負面,成個人既情緒都穩定左,正面左,開心左! 值得推介!

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