Esoteric Buddhism of Japan Oracle

Artist(s) : Miki Okuda ; Author(s) : Yuzui Kotaki
Publisher : Blue Angel Publishing

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Item Number: 02832
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Develop a meaningful connection with Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Wisdom Kings, and other messengers of Esoteric Buddhism with this uniquely crafted oracle set. The cards feature 44 forms of the Buddha, beautifully rendered by Miki Okuda with mudras, colors, and symbolism to open your awareness to your true nature and wisdom. The companion guide provides mandalas, mantras, and blessings to grow your understanding and deepen your compassion.

Country of Origin: Australia
Volume/Weight/Size: 44 cards, 5" x 7"
Price: $300 HKD
VIP Member Price: $270 HKD
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