Keymaster Tarot

Author(s) : Lorenzo Gaggiotti
Publisher : AGM-Urania Publishing

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Item Number: 00917
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These unique tarot cards by Lorenzo Gaggiotti lead you into the deepest rooms of your soul to hidden desires and your unconscious knowledge.

The Keymaster Tarot connects the two most famous tarots, the Tarot de Marseille from the 16th and 17th. Century and the Waite -Tarot of 1910.

The artist chooses precisely from both epochs in a combination of medieval representations and the playful Art Nouveau scenes, finds his personal expression and opens spaces in universes that are full of secrets that resonate in our soul and trigger a longing for answers.

The sensational illustrations of the Major Arcana are full of aesthetics, power and modernity, the cards of the Minor Arcana show the symbols of the classic playing cards. Each card features gold foil accents.

Country of Origin: Germany
Volume/Weight/Size: 78 cards, 3" x 5.125"
Price: $380 HKD
VIP Member Price: $342 HKD
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