Change Your Energy: Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love & Luck

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Item Number: 06618
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Krista N. Mitchell, known as "The Rock Whisperer" for her fresh take on healing with crystals, is one of the world's best-known crystal therapists and a counsel to leading figures in the arts, television, film, fashion, and more. This practical, fun guide covers crystals for life: Love and Relationships, Career and Money, Physical Health and Travel, Mental and Emotional Healing, and Spirituality. Mitchell begins with the basics of where to get, care for, and work with crystals. Then she shares six different methods for working with them. Rounding out the book is the Do-It-Yourself Crystal Healing section, which include crystal layouts based on the Hindu seven chakra system.

Pages: 224 pages
Price: $220 HKD
VIP Member Price: $198 HKD
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