Wild Dreams Animal Oracle

Artist(s) : Lisa Desimini ; Author(s) : Kelly Sullivan Walden
Publisher : U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

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Item Number: 11443
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The enigmatic beings of this vibrant oracle are here to rouse the parts of you that yearn to howl, soar, roam and weave an inspired life. Engage with their teachings and let your instinctual wisdom reveal your confidence and sense of purpose. By delving into your inner wildness and embracing the magnificent creatures of your dreams, you will awaken your courage and come to realize your true, untamed potential. Includes 44 cards and 132-page full-color guidebook.

Country of Origin: USA
Volume/Weight/Size: 44 cards, 3.22” x 5.47”
Price: $300 HKD
VIP Member Price: $270 HKD
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