Runic Love Amulet - Large
MIIFIRE posted on 2012-04-05 11:18 :
Before I buy this Amulet, tarot said my ex will return to me in Feb/Mar, n if i get bk with my ex, we will separate again in Oct/Nov.
I bought this Amulet in Mar, and my ex came back to me. So now, lets see if Amulet will hold up our relationship in Oct/Nov and prevent the break up.........................
Price: $450
12 Comment(s)
Dream Catcher #01_B
凝雪=^.^= posted on 2008-09-05 22:25 :
我岩岩買左個MORMAL,前幾日晚晚都發惡夢,可能呢排諗得太多野啦,之後就買左一個DREAM CATCHER,第一晚都仲係發惡夢,第二晚就無再發惡夢喇,雖然又不至於係好甜既夢,但係起碼唔係惡夢先啦~~^^
Price: $80
2 Comment(s)
The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans
Melpomene posted on 2022-03-26 17:36 :
As is with most books claiming to be complete, this book served as a great general overview but was brief at best in section outside of western occultism. It goes into a range of a various talisman and amulet types ex. Egyptian, Key of Solomon, The Black Pullet, herb amulets etc... and provides some useful visuals. However, the sections that refer to culture and historical events are dubious as to their veracity, and the author neglected to give direct references for some of those instances, which made me question the overall legitimacy of this book. It also didn't help my confidence when a finalized book has a frankly hilarious typo such as quote waxing period of the mood unquote p.71 immortalized in it. I am willing to forgive it because it gave me a good laugh
Fortunately, it seems that the western occultism sections have been researched and better understood by the author, which gives me confidence in its accuracy. Overall, a decent book to refer to for beginners as a starting place and a quick guide for intermediate practitioners on western occultism.
My only complaint with the item itself is that the ink is not at all water resistant and bleeds very easily with only a minimal amount of water, hence the 4 stars. Must handle it carefully and never spill any liquids because it would ruin the pretty illustrations.
Price: $270
1 Comment(s)
Talisman for Good Luck
shimokoi posted on 2012-02-29 23:42 :
哈^^用了差不多4個月了...多數上班才帶..令我工作順利勁多A_A遇小好多麻煩事...又做到自己鐘意既POST 抽到自己鐘意既禮物 etc...good luck(^0^)/
Price: $380
2 Comment(s)